Common Web Design Mistakes, Tips From a Melbourne Web Design Agency

To have a successful business in 2022, it is essential to have a great and functional website to attract customers and generate leads. With every business constantly upgrading their digital capabilities; especially large-scale companies with more resources, a well-designed website can not only make your business competitive but also stand out from the competition and increase your market share. So, what makes a good website? Well… honestly that depends on your business context. At AWD Digital, a leading custom web design agency in Melbourne, we work with a variety of businesses across many industries and sectors. We understand that how your website appears, and functions should differ depending on your goals and digital marketing strategy. What we can tell you, is some general advice on things not to do. Here are some common mistakes in custom web design, and how to avoid them!
Mobile scalability
It is essential for any custom website in 2022 to be compatible with both mobile and desktop in consideration. Mobile overtook desktop in 2017 as the preferred platform, and as of May 2022, it holds 60.43% of the global device market. Australians still prefer desktop search over mobile, with desktop holding a 58.32% market share. However, 41.68% of mobile browsing is a significant portion of total web traffic. Competitors know this and will be prioritising a mobile-friendly user experience for their website as well. If they have a comfortable and functional mobile browsing experience, whilst your website is dysfunctional, poorly formatted, and difficult to navigate on a vertical format; it’s safe to say that many customers will avoid using your website and your business will lose out.
Slow loading times & optimisation
Google published data in 2018 emphasising the importance of optimising your website for web traffic. The study concluded that the probability of a visitor to ‘bounce’ or exit the website will increase by 32% from as little as a 3-second loading time! If the loading time extends out to 10 seconds, the probability of a bounce increases by 123%. It turns out humans have poor patience and attention spans. There are many reasons why your website may be poorly optimised. Whilst HD is important, large videos and images can cause loading lag if not optimised for the web correctly. Meanwhile, the introduction of too many ‘features’, plugins or gadgets can slow your website down. Google will also punish websites with poor loading times in their SEO rankings, meaning your website will not appear in search results due to the increased number of visitors leaving the site.
Poor visual and navigational hierarchy
Hierarchy is incredibly important for the user experience as poor hierarchy leads to poor navigation. You need your website visitors to understand what they are searching for in an efficient manner. Hierarchy prioritises features your user needs to comprehend and orders the information, so it is processed smoothly. Firstly, a menu or search function must be easily accessible to your visitors so they can navigate the website. Secondly, titles and important information require larger font sizes, font weights or different colours to help them contrast with body text and other aspects of your website. Poorly paced visual hierarchies can appear cluttered, or on the flip side, flat and uninteresting.
Wall of Text
This idea is also intertwined with navigational hierarchy. Walls of text can be very off-putting to users; who usually don’t spend more than a minute or two visiting a new website. They will most likely not read all the content on your website, so, it is important to break it up into easily navigable parts. Add sub-headings, pull quotes, images, and break up paragraphs so the space is separated into bite-sized pieces.
Not following brand guidelines
Despite the medium, it is important for your custom web design to follow the brand guidelines set up for the rest of your brand material. This ensures that your business appears cohesive and consistent across all mediums, whether that be clothing, social media, posters etc. Building a visual language for your business that includes imagery, typefaces, colour palettes and logos generates an identity and recognition for the company.
Many websites have a lot of features, products, or links they need to showcase. If the visitor can’t understand what your site is trying to convey within the first few seconds of visiting, the chances of them leaving the page dramatically increase. However, shoving everything at the user’s face at once is not necessarily the answer. The reality is: that having too much content on a single page can make it feel like it is all fighting for attention. Especially if the visual hierarchy is poor. Websites that utilise negative space in an effective manner will feel clean, modern, and professional. This doesn’t necessarily mean empty, but just clean and tidy. The same would be important if a potential client or customer was visiting your business in-person establishment or employees for the first time. First impressions are always important and can be a key asset or liability to your sales.
Keep your business competitive by having a web design agency in Melbourne that will ensure an optimal custom web design.
AWD Digital is a leading custom web design agency in Melbourne. We have proven experience in generating mobile-friendly, SEO-optimised websites with the user experience at the front of mind. Optimise your digital presence with a custom web design tailored to your unique business needs.
Let’s grow together! Give us a call on 03 9001 6255, or fill out the form to book your free 30-minute workshop.